Greetings from New-Zealand and great New Year 2013!!! Hopefully the new year will be happy, adventurous and full of smiling. At least the conditions for it should be okay. Just look at the surroundings;)
Greetings from New-Zealand and great New Year 2013!!! Hopefully the new year will be happy, adventurous and full of smiling. At least the conditions for it should be okay. Just look at the surroundings;)
I ran the great Sadism-o here in Jyväskylä today. 23 k:s of orienteering with a map that was made with the new ”karttapullautin” (lazersystem). You have to use some imagination to understand where the roads, fields and lakes are, but all the things you really need are there. My gps says that we ran 27,8k:s today. I had a good day and was hanging behind the guys quite easily.
Winter seems to come early this year. Still, I’m more eager and busy to orienteer and train than usually. After some basic night-o’s in Kurkocup and other stuff, I’ve also trained in Peurunka, Tahkovaara (only once) and Vuokatti. Today I enjoyed some 15-20 k’s of old maps in Hervoton suunnistus in Jämsänkoski.
Ou, ou, orienteering:) Read More »
Brains off, illusions off (Luulot Pois), knowledge off and speed off. They all went away during today’s o-session on the 1992 Finnish champs’ map. The terrain was really wet and heavy (I even swam in the marsh (leg 5-6). The green areas were nice today and the biggest hills were great (but slippery) However, all the rest was just soooooooooooo….demanding.