The smiles of 2014 :)

During the past few weeks I’ve had one national team camp, a skiing camp in Vuokatti with my new club mates and now a massive flu. While listening to christmas carols, I’ve had some time to look back and scroll through the pics of the past year. There haven’t been too many victorious moments in my sports this year but still there have been so many other things that I want to remember. It’s not nice to take pictures when things are not going well, but in fact it’s only good that the photo albums show more or less just the positive things and big smiles of the year. I hope that you, my readers, will have a nice look at your albums this year as well and hopefully the next year will give you lots of great smiles too. Enjoy the Christmas time and take care!

xxx, Minna

PS: Below, some nice smiling pics from year 2014.

The beginning of the year went in terms of renovating.

Lähes valmista/ Almost ready

In Lanzarote, my legs were alreay bad but i could still enjoy the places by cycling, driving and walking.

Lanzaroten mustaa maailmaa/ Lanzarote's black worldPolkemista kuumuudessa/ Cycling in the heat

Because I had to cancel all the national team camps, my own camp headed towards Lapland with my coach Maria.

Marian kanssa Pallaksella/ Pallas fells with my coach MariaHymyillen ja hiihtäen/ Smiling on the skis

The summer came but I didn’t. So, I couldn’t relly use my compass too much or enjoy the paths and running but I sure got to know the best cycling routes really well.

Pyöräily pistää suun muikeaksi/ Cycling kissesTien päälle taas / On the road again

Suuntana metsä, kerrankin/ Direction towards forests, for onceLempipolkuni Heinolassa/ My favourite path in Heinola

Luckyly, there were so many other thing that I could enjoy last summer. Weddings, friends, having quality time alone and with the closest ones.

Rakkautta todistamassa/ At a weddingLempparivieraat/ The best guests

Kuuman kesän nautintoja/ Enjoying the warm summerParasta satoa/ Best summer tastesPunasilmäinen ex-kamu/ Red eyed ex-friend

The greatest things that I got from WOC in Italy were these two pics, but so what, you can’t always win, the wice people say;)

Dolomiiteista nautiskelua/ Enjoying the DolomitesTeam flower power of Finland

In the end of the summer I ran my last leg in Raikas. Before that, I even managed to take part in one TC in Scotland concentrating already on the next year’s challenges.

Skotlannin peikko/ The dwarf in ScotlandTeam Raikas 4ever

California made the fall warmer and sunnier with great memories and lots of good pics 🙂

E. Lloyd Wrightin tiluksilla/Eric Lloyd Wright's placeApinoiden planeetta -leffapaikka/ The planet of the Apes -film scene

Amerikassa kaikki on suurempaa/ Redwoods, in America everything's biggerMalibun yllä juoksemassa/ Running above Malibu

Merileijonien luona matkalla San Franciscoon/ Sealions on the way to San FranciscoPaikallisen tähtikokin eväillä/ Local star chef's tasting

Now, I’m just hoping that the lottery will go better next year. This year I got no jakcpots, so better luck next time <3

Lottotyttönä loppuvuodesta/ Lotto-girl





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