
Here Iam in Lavarone, after relaxed preparations at home. It was finally sunny in Finland (it’s been a never-ending autumn this far) and I was totally taking all the fun out of it. Well, had to follow some sprints on tv, of course, but mostly I just sunbathed, swam, read books and enjoyed myself in between easy trainings. 

Now,  I’ve been hanging around in here in not-so-summerly weather. Following the others in long distance yesterday and making some last o-trainings. Just  one day before my fourth competition this year and only individual WOC-start , I actually feel quite happy and good even though my training has been almost ridiculously and irritatingly alternative. Still, I’m glad to even get a chance and I’m even more than glad to get to fight. All in or Nothing. That’s the name of the game 🙂


PS: Middle distance on friday, starting at 12.00 local time. Be there or be here!




Pää ja Suunta selvänä/ Head and compass ready to workTaikakynnet ja kaikki peukut ylhäällä! /Magic nails and all thumbs up!Hyvällä buugilla! /With great Boogie!



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