Just like that

My body’s still having it’s own mind. And it doesn’t want the same things my head does. Preparation for WOC is going as well as the past training season. Totally and incredibly badly. I’ve been having this small summer flue for ten days now and like the last time I was ill, after very first steps, also my right achilles tendon got inflammed. Just like that.

So, I’ve decided to leave WOC sprint out of my programme. I’ve only got one ace in my hand now, the middle, and it’s hard to say how I should play it. But have to admit, that I’m just too tired of getting angry or disappointed. I’m feeling dumb and trying to get through the last weeks with my excercise bike. I quess I can’t give up now, and I wont, even though it sometimes feels like the wisest thing to do.


After the middle and maybe the relay, I’ll have to solve all of this somehow, some way, some day. At least I know I’ve been such a lucky bustard during my career that there’s no reason to be bitter at all. That’s just the way it goes. Life, isn’t it amazing 😉



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