Before and After

The past six months everything’s been under construction. Now, my new home is finished but I’m still working on my legs. Below some pics of the huge project, which I can hardly recommend to everyone. Still, just like in sports, the more you work, the happier you’ll be about the result:)

Kaaos /Chaos


Tiilten puhdistusta / Cleaning the brickwallsMaalari maalasi taloa.../painting it whiteLikapyykkiäkin tuli / Working clothes got a bit dirty as wellRankka työ, isot naurut.../ Tough job, big laughs...

Ensimmäisten kuvien kaaos remontin jälkeen/ The chaos of the forst pics after the renovationTrintylankkua ja vanhaa tiiliseinää/ Colors of our new homeSauna

Kokin nurkka /Cook's corner

Wanha lankkulattia ja pönttöuuni/ The old floor and fireplaceHyvää pääsiäistä! /Happy Easter!

Päivittäiselle pyörälenkille lähdössä/ Starting the daily training towards Lahti

While the others were running the EOC I was mostly moving in. Still, I’ve started to run, too. From 10 minutes to 40minutes last week and I even did some orienteering. Have to admit that the loooooong break made me feel like a new beginner in the forest…Hopefully, I’ll have enough time to feel pro some time before the summer. Before I really can start to run I’ll still be rolling around the streets with my bike.

Enjoy the spring!




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