I ran towards Lahti today and the sun was shining straight at me. It felt like spring because the thin layer of snow was smelting in the streets and it was so bright. Luckyly, I’m not running towards summer yet because I wouldn’t be ready for that. I’ve been doing this quite often lately. Jumping out of the car in the middle of nowhere or just somewhere and running directly to Lahti and to the project “destroy it all” here.
There’s been lots of things to do. I’ve been training as much as I’ve been able to but I have to admit that after 3-5 hours of tearing up the walls, roofs and everything else isn’t making my body work too well. So it’s been just wise to make maybe one or zero runs with my jammed muscles. Still, it’s been great and fun to see how it all disappears and I can already imagine the new rooms of my new home.
So it’s been busy times and in between I’ve been travelling too. First I went to London for a couple of days. Spent too much money and too little time in the parks running, well went around all of the big ones at least. However, my favourite thing was to cycle around the city and to see everything instead of seeing nothing in the underground. Really recommend it to everybody.
Of course, we made some fancy stuff as well, because the normal stuff with big overalls and physical labor was still waiting at home. Luckyly, you can take some coffee breaks every once in a while.
So, after couple of weeks it was time to finish the o-season in the wcup finals. It was a pity that I was out of the game already when I came there (my muscles were just too tired of the working) because the queen Simone had decided to end her career and it would have been nice to take the last fight there. For me it was a bit emotional, too. So many years, Simone has shown us the level you must gain in order to take the gold and there have been so many happy and sad moments that I’ve shared with her that I,indeed, found some tears rolling down on my cheeks. Thank you Simone, it was so much fun to fight with you 🙂
So my finals were bad and worse but that’s just the crown for this season. But who cares, there’s new games next year and my thoughts are already there. Actually, after the wcup I spent some time in Northern Italy to make some trainings in the area and to enjoy the atmosphere of Verona, lake Garda and the mountains nearby. It was quite rainy and foggy there and it was almost like night-o training from time to time but I still got some clever thoughts to keep in my head during the cold winter in Finland. The other stuff was more sunny and funny. Verona was maybe the most beautiful city I’ve ever visited and the hiking routes were really nice.
On top, we also made one tour near Como before heading towards the airport. It was sunny and beautiful and I think I’ll have to visit Northern Italy more often. Still, I’ve decided that this was the last trip this year. I’ll be a homer from now on, but not the Simpson one ;)There’s still some things to do before the pro’s start to build up the new walls but I’ve promised to myself that my deadline for starting the trip towards next World Champs will start in November. Then the renovation will be on the second spot because this girl want to get on the first spot, again.