A little tired

I ran the great  Sadism-o here in Jyväskylä today. 23 k:s of orienteering with a map that was made with the new ”karttapullautin” (lazersystem). You have to use some imagination to understand where the roads, fields and lakes are, but all the things you really need are there. My gps says that we ran 27,8k:s today. I had a good day and was hanging behind the guys quite easily. Besides, now I had finally learned to look at the white Terä shirts instead of the map;) Of course, I wasn’t challenging the men in the end, but I was happy to loose very little!

There were quite many roads but really slow and sadistic places, too. It’s always really good to train with people that are stronger than you even though the training was mostly physical for me today. In fact, I feel that after two years of troubles, I’m finally able to train as well and as much as I like. It feels good and it seems to work, too. Tomorrow, I’ll have to take a rest day, though. For an addict like me, it’s always challenging;) Now, just taking it easy on the sofa for the rest of the day.

Enjoy yourselves,


The information of the training below and maps can be found partly there too:)









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