Challenging myself

The internet is finally working at our hotel so here are some words from the past and the future.

Our preparations went nicely and easyly in the shadows of Mont Blanc. On Saturday, it was finally start for my first international event of the summer, the long qualification. Even though I started a bit stupidly, I managed to take all the challenging parts well and got the place on top in the result list as well. In fact, after coming back to France, all my trainings have been going really well, too. I guess I had enough time to figure things out at home then. Which is nice!

On Sunday we had middle qualification and my goal was to work mentally hard but physically easily. I managed to accomplish my mission, so again I was happy to see my name on top of the list. Of course, people tend to run these qualifications more or less ont he safe side but you can never loose the control over the controls, otherwice you may do the same as Pasi and miss the finals. And not even Mickey Mouse plasters will help then 🙁

Now, I’ve relaxed for two days before the long, long final. Actually, I still feel that the pressures to win are not too big. As everything has gone so badly during the season, it seems to me that I’m not having hard time mentally with the lack in physical side either. I just take what I’m able to get and hope the feeling stays for the finals as well when it’s more adrenaline in the blood. Afterall, I want to just make good performances and enjoy the challenges, which are not getting easier as the thermometers are climbing up to 30-35 degrees…


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