Season opening

Easter is over and my first competitions and o-trainings in Finland too. I had 2 fysically good trainings but technically it wasn’t really what I wanted. On Saturday we had Finspring, a long distance with very detailed and hard terrain. I started carefully but after some mistakes made the basic mistake to start chasing the time I had missed. You all know what that means…Anyway, I had some good things happening there too, so it was quite okay at least compared to Monday’s Silja-Rastit.

On Monday the morning started like a disaster. I lost my car keys and lost almost all the controls as well. The competition was more or less an interval training and I was feeling so stupid after it that I even made some long analysis behind my map. Not too many big smilies there…Yesterday I made my first o-training here in Jyväskylä and tried to learn from my mistakes, which was a really good thing to do. The snow had finally smelted so now I’m able to make some more technical trainings.



The sunny and funny thing is that my legs have finally started forgetting the stress from school and my running was nice and strong. The not so funny thing is that my almost new laptop will be at some laptop doctor for the next few weeks…Living is quite hard without it nowadays. But maybe I’ll be able to enjoy other stuff more when I don’t have the possibility to hang out in here:)

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